Céline Cartillier is a dramaturge, choreographer and dancer. She graduated a master in theatrical studies and the master Solo Dance Authorship (SoDA/HZT, Berlin). She is an artistic collaborator or dramaturge for various artists of theatre or dance fields : Antoine Cegarra, Coraline Cauchi, Paulo Duarte, Simon Gauchet, Céline Champinot/Groupe LA gALERIE, Bleuène Madeleine, Myriam Pruvot, Henrique Furtado, Aloun Marchal, Chiara Taviani, Sorour Darabi, Clément Aubert, Kevin Jean, Bastien Mignot, Pauline Brun. As a dancer, she collaborates with Sergiu Matis, Lina Schlageter et Zoé Philibert, Pauline Simon, Mylène Benoît and Magda Kachouche. She plays in Mathieu Bouvier’s experimental films Oh! Leviathan and How to explain the economic crisis to a white dare, and co-created with him There is no desert island and There is still enough time before the end of the world to tell the end of the world. In her own work as a choreographer, Céline Cartillier is mostly interested in the relations between representation and ideality and stimulated by the relations between poetical composition (the making of a language), musical composition and choreographic composition. She participated in the program of choreographic research and composition Prototype 2 « The vocal presence in the choreographic score », and to the program Dialogues 2 « Relations, dialogues and protocols of transmission between the choreographer and the dancer », both initiated by the Royaumont Foundation. In 2017 she was part of the research group T.R.I.P gathered by Ivana Müller in the frame of her residency at the Ménagerie de verre in Paris. In the beginning of 2019, Céline Cartillier created a choreographic piece Champ constant, at the Vivat, Armentières. She is currently working on a new project Haut-fond La parole soulève plus de terre que le fossoyeur ne le peut, a recital with a pottery wheel.
Météores manages the production of her projects.